DHS Health Care Worker Background Check Act
Disqualifying Offenses That May Be Considered for a Waiver by the Submission of a Waiver Application:
Aiding and Abetting Child Abduction
Aggravated Arson
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm
Aggravated Discharge of a Machine Gun or a Firearm Equipped with a Device Designed or Used for Silencing the Report of a Firearm
Aggravated Identity Theft
Aggravated Stalking
Aggravated Unlawful Restraint
Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon
Armed Violence
Battery of an Unborn Child
Calculated Criminal Cannabis Conspiracy
Calculated Criminal Drug Conspiracy
Cannabis Trafficking
Child Abduction
Controlled Substance Trafficking
Criminal Drug Conspiracy
Criminal Trespass to Residence
Cruelty to Children
Delivering a Controlled, Counterfeit or Look-alike Substance to a Person under 18
Delivering Cannabis to a Person under 18
Delivery of Cannabis on School Grounds
Distribution, Advertisement, or Possession with Intent to Manufacture or Distribute a Look-alike Substance
Domestic Battery
Endangering the Life or Health of a Child
Engaging or Employing Person under 18 to Deliver a Controlled, Counterfeit or Look-alike Substance
Forcible Detention
Fraudulent Use of Electronic Transmission
Home Invasion
Identity Theft
Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession with Intent to Deliver, or Manufacture, Cannabis
Manufacture or Delivery, or Possession with Intent to Manufacture or Deliver, a Controlled Substance Other than Methamphetamine, a Counterfeit Substance, or a Controlled Substance Analog
Permitting Sexual Abuse of a Child
Practice of Nursing Without a License
Receiving a Credit or Debit Card with Intent to Use, Sell, or Transfer
Receiving Stolen Credit Card or Debit Card
Reckless Discharge of a Firearm
Residential Arson
Residential Burglary
Retail Theft
Ritual Abuse of a Child
Ritual Mutilation
Selling a Credit Card or Debit Card, without the Consent of the Issuer
Tampering with Food, Drugs or Cosmetics
Theft of Lost or Mislaid Property
Unlawful Discharge of Firearm Projectiles
Unlawful Restraint
Unlawful Sale or Delivery of Firearms on the Premises of Any School
Unlawful Use of a Weapon
Unlawful Use or Possession of Weapons by Felons or Persons in the Custody of the Department of Corrections Facilities
Using a Credit or Debit Card with the Intent to Defraud
Violations under the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act
Vehicular Hijacking
Offenses that Are Always Disqualifying Except Through the Appeal Process:
Abuse and Criminal Neglect of a LTC Facility Resident
Aggravated Battery
Aggravated Battery of a Child
Aggravated Battery of a Senior Citizen
Aggravated Battery of an Unborn Child
Aggravated Battery with a Firearm
Aggravated Battery with a Machine Gun or a Firearm Equipped with Any Device or Attachment Designed or Used for Silencing the Report of a Firearm
Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse
Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault
Aggravated Domestic Battery
Aggravated Kidnapping
Aggravated Robbery
Aggravated Vehicular Hijacking
Armed Robbery
Child Pornography
Concealment of Homicidal Death
Criminal Abuse or Neglect of an Elderly Person or Person with a Disability
Criminal Sexual Abuse
Criminal Sexual Assault
Drug Induced Homicide
Drug Induced Infliction of Great Bodily Harm
Exploitation of a Child
Financial Exploitation of an Elderly Person or a Person with a Disability
First Degree Murder
Heinous Battery
Indecent Solicitation of a Child
Intentional Homicide of an Unborn Child
Involuntary Manslaughter and Reckless Homicide
Involuntary Manslaughter and Reckless Homicide of an Unborn Child
Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of a Child
Second Degree Murder
Sexual Exploitation of a Child
Sexual Misconduct with a Person with a Disability
Solicitation of Murder
Solicitation of Murder for Hire
Voluntary Manslaughter of an Unborn Child
Updated 10/08/2014